What Animates Us

The salvation of souls animates the Dominican Spirit

"Zeal for souls must be the dominant note of the Dominican life-song; anything which jars upon that note must be treated as a discord even though it be one of the prescribed means. The fasting, the abstinence, the choral duty, these are most holy, most helpful, most salutary means, but still means, the salvation of souls being the end. If the fasting, or the abstinence, or the choir, under peculiar circumstances, hinders instead of helps in the work for souls the dispensing power comes in, the discord is suppressed, the dominant note prevails, and the harmony of Dominican life and spirit is restored. The Rule which ordains the external observance, prescribes at the same time the dispensation when the observance interferes with work for souls, so that legitimate dispensation is not relaxation but rule." (Fr. John Procter, OP, in his Introduction to Sr. Augusta Drane's work, The Spirit of the Dominican Order)

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