Monday, May 29, 2017

Mary, Queen of Apostles and Confessors

by Fr. Peter Richard Kenrick (1840)

“And a great sign appeared in heaven. A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” — Apocalypse xii.1

This is understood by some holy fathers of the blessed Virgin. She is clothed with the sun, by her close relation to Christ, the sun of Justice; she has the moon under her feet, for she is the great channel of God's mercy to man; and on her head is a crown of twelve stars, because those twelve great lights of the world, the apostles, acknowledge her for their Queen, and encircle her head with a new wreath of glory. How these chosen disciples of Jesus Christ must have loved Mary — the mother of their dear Master! With what reverence they regarded her, who was the Mother of Him, whose power they had seen so frequently and so wonderfully displayed, and whose divine nature the Father revealed to them through Peter! Mary was the teacher of the apostles; because they learned from her many of the circumstances, which preceded and followed the birth of Christ, which they could not otherwise have known, except by express revelation. She is especially mentioned to have been united with them in prayer and retirement, after our Lord's ascension, when they chose the apostle Mathias, and when the Holy Ghost descended upon them. We may be assured that as the Divine Spirit communicates himself in proportion to the dispositions of those whom he visits, Mary received graces on this occasion, which made her the admiration of the apostolic college, by the increased zeal and constancy she manifested. With such an example before them, need we wonder that the apostles co-operated so faithfully with the graces they then received; and that they went forth to announce the glad tidings of salvation, without being intimidated by the dangers to which they thus exposed themselves. If, now, they are bright and shining stars in heaven, they owe much of their success to the influence of Mary's example, and to the efficacy of her prayers.

Mary is the queen of those apostolic men, whom God has raised up in every age and country, to be teachers in His church; and who have defended it by their learning, while they edified its members by their heroic sanctity, and enlarged its boundaries by their apostolic zeal. They all have been the servants of Mary, whom they regarded as their most powerful aid, in all that they undertook for the promotion of God's greater glory. The founders of the different religious Orders have bequeathed this devotion to their children, as the most precious portion of their inheritance; and some among them have ordered their disciples to merit for themselves the powerful protection of Mary by the daily recital of her office. They knew, that as their only object was to promote the glory of God they could not employ a more efficacious means for securing success, than the intercession of her who desires, more than any other creature, that His kingdom should be established in all hearts. Hence their confidence in her was unbounded, and their sentiments, those of the great St. Cyril of Alexandria, who addressing the holy Virgin, says: “By thee the Trinity is glorified; by thee the precious cross is celebrated, and adored throughout the whole world. By thee, heaven exults, the angels and archangels rejoice, the demons are put to flight, and lost man is restored to heaven. By thee, mankind, which was enslaved by the errors of idolatry, has been converted to truth ; believers have been baptized and churches are erected throughout the whole world. By thy aid, nations have done penance. What more can be said? By thee, the only begotten Son of God, that true light, has shined on those that were in darkness, and in the shadow of death. Who can worthily celebrate thy praises, O Mother and Virgin!” (St. Cyril cont. Nestorium)

What more efficacious means of promoting the diffusion of Catholic truth and Catholic piety can be employed, than to accompany all our efforts for both, by carrying about Mary in our hearts, and encouraging others to the practice of this devotion? The church, solemnly addressing her, says: “Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, because thou alone hast destroyed all heresies.” This was the language of men who had practical experience of its truth. This was the sentiment of those faithful dispensers of God's mysteries, who, both in ancient and modern times, not only overcame the attacks made on their own souls, but also made great inroads among God's enemies either by bringing whole nations into the fold of Christ, or by renewing the face of the earth among degenerate Christians. If we wish that our exertions should be crowned by equally glorious results, we must use the same weapons which rendered them successful. We shall find, that devotion to Mary is the great bulwark of Christian faith and morality: because it cannot be practised, without imparting to those who adopt it, a more accurate notion of the incarnation of the Son of God, and a more feeling sense of its immense advantages to us than can otherwise be communicated.


The great apostle of India, St. Francis Xavier, was distinguished by his tender devotion to the Mother of God. It was on the festival of her Assumption that he made his first vows. When he visited the church of Loretto, he felt, for the first time, a great desire of devoting himself to the propagation of the gospel in India. He was accustomed to offer up all his petitions to God, through the intercession of Mary; and, in his public instructions, after begging the gift of a lively faith for himself and his hearers, he addressed himself to Mary, whom in the conclusion of his discourse, he always saluted with the Salve Regina — “Hail, holy Queen.” He undertook nothing without first recommending it to God through Mary; and in the innumerable dangers to which he was exposed, he had recourse to her for protection. Far from being ashamed of being called her servant, he gloried in this title, and carried his beads about his neck, to manifest it to all. In the performance of many of the miracles recorded in his life, he made use of the beads, thereby to induce others to practise this devotion. On being asked for some token by a merchant of Meliapore, who was about to embark for Malacca, he gave him his beads, saying: “They will be of some use to you, provided you have confidence in Mary.” The ship in which he embarked, had scarcely got out of port, when she was driven on the rocks by a furious tempest, and shattered to pieces. The merchant, full of confidence in the Blessed Virgin, applied to her, who is, not without reason, called the “safety of the ship wrecked.” He held up the beads given him by Francis, and suddenly found himself miraculously transported to the shore.

St Francis had a particular devotion to the immaculate conception of his dear Mother, and endeavoured on all occasions to propagate it. When about to undertake the conversion of great sinner, he never foiled to place his hope of success in Mary, by whose intercession be also sought to obtain the remission of his own offences. In one of his letters he says: “I have taken the Queen of heaven for my protectress, that thus I may obtain the pardon of my innumerable sins.” In his instructions, he always insisted much on the greatness of the Mother of God, and spared no exertion to induce others to place themselves under her protection. At the moment of his death — which occurred in the island of Sancian, almost in sight of that China, to which this most zealous servant of Mary so much desired to announce the gospel — he appealed to her, by often repeating the beautiful and touching language of the church: “Show thyself a mother.”

O Mary! the Apostles left all things for the promotion of God's glory; the confessors labored unceasingly for the same glorious object. Thou hast surpassed the Apostles by the perfection of thy sacrifice, and by the fervour of thy zeal; thou dost excel the confessors, by the intrepidity with which thou didst confess Christ, when abandoned by all, and expiring on the cross. O sacred Virgin! Obtain for me a portion of the apostolic spirit, a zeal for my own salvation, and the salvation of my brethren. Make me endeavour, by all means in my power, to extend the kingdom of thy divine Son, and offer incessantly my prayer for the conversion of all who are yet sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, or who are estranged from the one fold of the one Shepherd, thy divine Son. Make me ever ready to confess Jesus Christ both by word and work, that thus, through thy powerful intercession, O Queen of Confessors! I may be acknowledged by Him, before His Heavenly Father. Amen.


Devoutly incite the Litany of the Blessed Virgin for the propagation of the. Catholic faith.


Rejoice O Virgin Mary, thou alone, hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world!


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