Blessed John Dominici was born at
Florence about A.D. 1350. He was of humble parentage and imperfect education,
and had, moreover, an impediment in his speech, so that his first application
for admission into the Order of Saint Dominic was refused. He persevered in his
request, however, and was received when about eighteen years of age. It was
observed, that, in assuming the habit, he seemed to acquire a marvellous
nobility of manner; his talents were found to be of the highest order, and he
was soon held in great repute for his extraordinary eloquence. Earnestly
desiring to devote himself to the ministry of the word, the special office of
his Order, he implored the intercession of Saint Catharine of Siena that he
might be delivered from the impediment of speech which had hitherto prevented
him from preaching. His petition was granted; and from that time he became one
of the most renowned preachers of the day; so much so, that, when Saint Vincent
Ferrer was invited to preach at Florence, he excused himself on the plea, that,
as the city possessed so eloquent an orator as Father John Dominici, there
could be no need of him. Blessed John received yet another favour through the
intercession of Saint Catharine; for, being at Rome in the Jubilee year and
unable by reason of a bad foot to make the visits to the four Basilicas
required for gaining the Indulgences, he had recourse to the Seraphic Virgin of
Siena, whom he had seen in his youth, and was at once entirely delivered from
his infirmity. He was intimately associated with her Confessors and other
Fathers who had been her disciples, and he took a leading part in the reform of
the Order set on foot by Blessed Raymund of Capua, who appointed him Vicar
Provincial of the Roman Province. Later on, we find him endeavouring to restore
regular life in the various important Convents of which he was successively
superior, and founding a house of strict observance at Fiesole, near Florence,
where he gave the habit to Saint Antoninus and to the two artists, Fra Angelico
and Fra Benedetto. Blessed John was himself an artist of no mean talent and
enriched the choral books of his Convent with beautiful miniatures. He rightly
regarded art as a means of instructing the young and the ignorant in the truths
of religion and of raising the mind to heavenly aspirations. With this view he
greatly encouraged its cultivation both among the Friars and the religious
women of the Order.
But Blessed John's title to the
gratitude of the faithful in general is chiefly based on the important part
which he had in the extinction of the great Schism of the West, which for
nearly half a century had divided the allegiance of Christendom. Created
Archbishop of Ragusa and Cardinal by Pope Gregory XII., he had a large share in
the convocation of the Council of Constance, at which he assisted as that
Pontiff's Legate. The great object of the Council was to obtain the resignation
of all three claimants of the pontifical dignity, in order that the Fathers
might then proceed to the valid election of one, to whose lawful claims none
could offer opposition. Blessed John succeeded in inducing John XXIII. to offer
his resignation on condition Pope Gregory should also resign. The anti-pope
little knew that the holy Cardinal held the formal resignation of that Pontiff
in his hand, and was thunderstruck when he immediately produced it. Then,
laying aside his Cardinal's hat, Blessed John added these words: "And I,
who came as that Pontiff's Legate, also renounce my dignity and my
cardinalate;" and so saying he took his place among the Bishops. The
Fathers of the Council insisted, however, on restoring him to his rank. The
remaining anti-pope, Benedict XIII., better known as Peter de Luna, was
deposed; and the Council proceeded to elect Odo Colonna, who took the title of
Martin V. The vigour and disinterestedness shown by Blessed John at that crisis
restored peace to the Church.
At the request of the Emperor, the
holy man was now sent as Apostolic Legate to Hungary and to Bohemia, then much
disturbed by the heretical followers of John Huss and Jerome of Prague. In this
mission he did much to confirm the people in their adhesion to the true faith
and to encourage them in offering a determined resistance to the encroachments
of the Turks. Whilst thus engaged, he fell sick at Buda, and, strengthened by
the holy Sacraments of the Church, piously fell asleep in the Lord on the l0th
June, A.D. 1420, leaving behind him many learned writings. His tomb was
desecrated by the Turks when they took and sacked Buda. He was beatified by
Gregory XVI.
O God, the bestower of divine love,
who didst strengthen Blessed John, Thy Confessor and Bishop, for the work of
preserving the Unity of the Church and establishing regular discipline; grant,
through his intercession, that we may all be of one mind and do all our actions
in Christ Jesus our Lord. Who liveth and reigneth with Thee world without end.
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