Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Method of Meditation

by Rev. James Bellord, 1898


1. Read the meditation material over-night. (Preferably a passage from the Bible. - VD) 
2. Review it at intervals till next morning.
3. Affections of love and joy up to the meditation.


1. Place yourself in the presence of God.
2. Act of humility: acknowledge your unworthiness.
3. Confess your incapacity: ask for aid.

Members of our Chapter praying.
(c) Vincent Domingo


I. Adoration

A. Contemplate the subject in God the Father, or in Jesus Christ, with reference to His: (i) dispositions, (ii) words, (iii) actions.

B. Offer Him, with respect to the subject: (i) adoration,  (ii) admiration,  (iii) praise, (iv) love, (v) joy, (vi) gratitude.

II. Reflex action on yourself

Transfer to yourself what you have contemplated in God, considering:

A. What example, or warning, or knowledge, is to be gathered with view to your own case;

B. What are your past negligences, present deficiencies, future needs;

C. What grace do you require from God.

III. Practice

A. Petition: (i) simple petition; (ii) with obsecration (through the merits of Christ, the Blessed Virgin, etc.); (iii) with thanksgiving; (iv) with intercession for others. (N.B. Your petitions must be humble, confident, and persevering.)

B. Resolutions: (i) let them be practical; (ii) for immediate use; (iii) adapted to your special case; (iv) efficacious.

C. Colloquies: with God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin, your Guardian Angel, etc.


A. Thanksgiving: (i) for admission to God's presence; (ii) for ability to pray; (iii) for lights received.

B. Contrition: for faults committed, with brief examination of the meditation.

C. Oblation: offer the meditation to God by the hands of the Blessed Virgin for the supplying of all defects.

D. Spiritual Bouquet: sum up the meditation in maxim or ejaculation to be recalled during the day.

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